
148 lines
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# Dictionary syntax:
# Each line of this file defines one typo correction entry with the syntax
# "typo -> correction". Typos and corrections are case insensitive, and any
# whitespace before or after the typo and correction is ignored. The typo must be
# only the letters a-z, or the special character : representing a word break.
:htere -> there
abbout -> about
abotu -> about
baout -> about
:theri -> their
:thier -> their
:owudl -> would
woudl -> would
peaple -> people
peolpe -> people
peopel -> people
poeple -> people
poeople -> people
:hwihc -> which
whcih -> which
whihc -> which
whlch -> which
wihch -> which
coudl -> could
:htikn -> think
:htink -> think
thikn -> think
thiunk -> think
tihkn -> think
:olther -> other
:otehr -> other
baceause -> because
beacuse -> because
becasue -> because
beccause -> because
becouse -> because
becuase -> because
theese -> these
:goign -> going
:gonig -> going
:yaers -> years
:yeasr -> years
:thsoe -> those
shoudl -> should
raelly -> really
realy -> really
relaly -> really
bedore -> before
befoer -> before
littel -> little
beeing -> being
:hwile -> while
aroud -> around
arround -> around
arund -> around
thign -> thing
thigsn -> things
thnigs -> things
anohter -> another
beteen -> between
beween -> between
bewteen -> between
:eveyr -> every
:graet -> great
:agian -> again
:sicne -> since
alwasy -> always
alwyas -> always
throught -> thought
almsot -> almost
alomst -> almost
chnage -> change
chekc -> check
childen -> children
claer -> clear
comapny -> company
contian -> contain
elasped -> elapsed
fitler -> filter
firts -> first
follwo -> follow
:foudn -> found
frequecy -> frequency
firend -> friend
freind -> friend
heigth -> height
iamge -> image
inital -> initial
intput -> input
laguage -> language
lenght -> length
levle -> level
libary -> library
:moeny -> money
mysefl -> myself
ouptut -> output
ouput -> output
probaly -> probably
probelm -> problem
recrod -> record
reponse -> response
reprot -> report
singel -> single
stregth -> strength
strengh -> strength
tkaes -> takes
therfore -> therefore
todya -> today
toghether -> together
unkown -> unknown
unqiue -> unique
widht -> width
## Catch skipped spaces between common words.
:alot: -> a lot
:andteh -> and the
:andthe -> and the
:asthe -> as the
:atthe -> at the
abouta -> about a
aboutit -> about it
aboutthe -> about the
:tothe -> to the
didnot -> did not
fromthe -> from the
:the:the: -> the
## Various additional entries.
:agred -> agreed
:ajust -> adjust
:anual -> annual
:asign -> assign
:casue -> cause
:gaurd -> guard
:haev -> have
:idaes -> ideas
:jsut: -> just
:jstu: -> just
:knwo -> know
:konw -> know
:kwno -> know